Welcome! Learn more about me and explore the journey of mindful eating and sustainable nutrition. Discover how to embrace seasonal produce, navigate holiday celebrations healthily, and appreciate the community behind our food choices
Let me introduce myself and give context to what you will see here. I have been working and studying in the field of nutrition for over 10 years and am now working as a Registered Dietitian in my Private Practice. My interest in nutrition and health began as a teenager who was slightly overweight. I learned that nutrition goes beyond achieving the “Instagram perfect body.” It’s about building a positive relationship with our bodies and our food, understanding how our choices impact not only our health but also the planet and society.
My Mission
My goal is to share recipes, insights, and my expertise on sustainable food and health. I’ve learned that enjoying what you eat and embracing your body is essential for a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. I hope to educate and inspire others to reconnect with the joy of food.
Common Questions
I often receive questions like, “Is white rice okay?” or “What do you think of juicing?” My responses typically start with, “It depends…” I know this can be frustrating for those seeking straightforward answers. However, nutrition is rarely black and white; it’s nuanced.
This is particularly relevant during this season of Jewish holidays and my birthday, a time for reconnecting with family and friends over hearty meals filled with autumn produce like apples and pumpkins. With Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas approaching, questions about food and diet are more common.
Rethinking Food Questions
Asking about food and diet is a good starting point; it shows curiosity about what we consume. However, we should aim to enjoy our meals rather than restrict ourselves with rigid rules. Instead of asking, “Is this food good or bad?” we could ask, “How does this fit into my diet?” This reframing leads to a more positive dialogue around food.
As the fall season brings celebrations and delicious goodies, we can partake fully without sacrificing our health. If you know you’ll face a large meal or a bucket of candy, planning ahead can help. Balance is key. If one meal is larger than usual, consider adjusting your portions for other meals to accommodate.
Being a mindful eater is crucial—avoid eating on impulse or emotion. Research shows that eating slowly and paying attention to our food is vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.